Frequently Asked Funding Questions
How can we help? Explore the answers to our frequently asked questions about Funding.
You can apply for a grant if your organisation is a not for profit group. Your group must not be directly or indirectly controlled by a landfill operator registered for landfill tax. Guidance on this issue is available from Entrust. In order to qualify for a Trust grant, a project needs to meet specific criteria relating to location and objects under the Landfill Communities Fund. Further information can be found on this website.
Local authorities can apply to the Trust for funding, however they cannot register as EBs, therefore all projects relating to local authorities must be registered under Enovert Community Trust.
No. You can only submit one application per funding round and, should you bid be successful, you cannot submit another application any less than twelve months from when your project has been completed (unless you are a local authority or nature organisation).
There is no set timescale for an application to be processed but it could take up to two months from your offer letter to the project being registered with Entrust (if your organisation is not an EB) and the Funding Agreement being issued. This website features both a timetable for submission of applications and dates of our Board meetings, during which decisions are made. The Trust meets a minimum of four times a year to allocate funding to projects that are presented. The outcome of the meeting is notified to applicants within one week.
The process is generally one-stage, in that a decision is taken at the meeting whether or not to grant funding to each individual project. There are no second rounds, although a project can be deferred if further information is sought before a decision can be taken. In order to minimise the risk of such requests being made, we advise you to ensure that you use the information on this website and Entrust’s to check all aspects of your project are compliant before you submit an application.
Enovert Community Trust does not have a maximum grant award, but a figure of £50,000 is given as a guide.
Enovert Community Trust prefers to be the main funder of a project, or one of very few. If your project requires higher levels of funding you must have secured at least 60% of the total funding required before making a submission to the Trust.
The largest grant award given by the Trust is in the region of £50,000. Fundraising by applicants is looked upon favourably by the Trustees. You will need to secure a 10% third party contribution which will be payable to Enovert Management Limited prior to the project commencing.
If you are not registered as an Environmental Body your organisation is able to make this payment as long as no direct benefit is received by your organisation. In addition the funds must not come from landfill tax credits or from a contractor that is working on the project.
The approach needed depends on the value of your project. For projects with a value of over £25,000, there must be a competitive tender process with a view of obtaining a minimum of three tender responses; for projects with a value of between £1000 and £25,000, three quotations must be obtained from contractors/suppliers; for projects with a value of £1000 or less, it is acceptable to obtain one quotation.
It is not necessary to select the supplier with the cheapest price if there are good reasons for selecting another supplier. However, where the chosen supplier has not offered the lowest price there must be a written explanation as to why the preferred supplier was selected. By competitive tendering, it means a declaration of intention of project works, in the most appropriate arena to generate bid submissions.
It may be difficult, depending on the circumstances, to generate enough submissions from an advertisement as only one or two respond. In this case, proactive requests would be recommended to increase the number of quotations to the minimum level of three to make a good Value for Money (VfM) determination. Projects will not be considered by the Trustees if these conditions are not adhered to, unless the works are of a truly specialist nature and the price agreed with this supplier is not higher than would normally be paid for similar goods or services.
You will be advised by the Trust Manager as to whether it is likely to be worth your while submitting a subsequent application.
Yes you can, however the Trust is generally oversubscribed at each meeting and this may be taken into account if your project is comparable to a similar project which has not yet received funding.
Once the project has been registered with Entrust, and the Funding Agreement has been signed by your organisation and Enovert Community Trust, work on your project can commence. Payments are generally only made on evidence of expenditure as the project progresses or at project completion, depending on the scope and nature of the project. We do not give the money in a lump sum before work starts – the grant is only released following the submission of invoices for works undertaken.
Yes, you will need to secure a 10% third party contribution which will be payable to Enovert Management Limited prior to the project commencing.
Any individual or organisation that is willing to make the required contribution. Third party funding can be supplied by the applicant. However, third party funding cannot be made up of other LCF monies (you must be able to demonstrate this via your accounts/audit trail), and cannot be funded by anyone that is going to derive a unique benefit from the project going ahead, e.g. a contractor for the project works. The person/s or group making the contribution must be aware of what the funds are being used for.
You will need to inform us as soon as possible if you experience difficulties with your project. We may be able to help you and will need to know what is happening and why. It is our priority to see a completed project and we will do everything we can to ensure it succeeds.
Yes. All permissions need to have been sought and obtained prior to an application being submitted. This is so that the Trustees can be assured that the project they are considering can be undertaken.
No, the Trust is only able to support capital items and costs relating to the delivery of the project on the ground.
If you are not already an Environmental Body and your funding application is successful we will register your project with Entrust.
Check the areas of operation page on this website to see if your project’s postcode is within 10 miles of a landfill site or waste management facility operated by Enovert Management Limited. You can use a Postcode checker to see if your project is within the specified distance.
No, these are not seen as public amenities under the Landfill Tax Regulations and therefore such projects would not be eligible for funding.
ECT does not fund projects that are located within schools or within the grounds of schools as schools are not considered to be ‘public amenities’ under the terms of the Landfill Communities Fund. If a sports club or other leisure organisation is located within the grounds of a school but has full public access please contact the Trust Manager to discuss further.
ECT does not award funding towards the purchase of land or properties. It will consider grants to improve the amenities once land or a building is in ownership of an applicant organisation.
Yes, you can apply for another grant but only after twelve months after your funded project has been completed. Exceptions may be made for local authorities and national environmental organisations. That having been said, the Trust is generally oversubscribed at each meeting, and this may be taken into account if your project is comparable to a similar project which has not yet received funding.
Yes, Enovert Community Trust funds solar panels and battery storage, however the Trust no longer funds projects that are solely for battery storage as this does not reduce a facility’s carbon footprint.
You must be able to commence your project within three months of any grant award although exceptions are made on occasion. Please contact the Trust Manager.
Yes, but you must have a ‘not-for-profit’ clause in your constitution, be CASC registered or be a limited company or registered charity.